Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Loose Ends

Sometimes i feel hate… heating my blood till boiling point
Sometimes I feel rain… dropping by like bullets
Sometimes I feel rage… shaking the four courners of the earth
Sometimes I feel high… at high speed in the highway to hell

Sometimes I feel cold… freezing my body in a figurine of stone
Sometimes I feel fear… ripping off the back of my neck
Sometimes I feel dumb… Hanging my head low in worn old memories
Sometimes I feel numb… Hanging my head high in some ancient tree

The cold kiss
The high loss
The bitter sigh
The dark nest

Sometimes i feel blue... gazing up to a gray cloudy sky
Sometimes I feel blur... roaming erratically in another dimension
Sometimes I feel lost... wandering bare-footed in scalded sands
Sometimes I feel fake… knowing not who do I really am

Sometimes I feel dire... dictating the omen of tragedies
Sometimes I feel dare... jumping forward into the cliff
Sometimes I feel like... stepping inward into the unknown
Sometimes I feel just... dying for this suffering to end

The dying wish
The lessen strength
The pending future
The intermittent heart

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